Gazeus Games @ Mobile Spree San Francisco 2017

Paula Neves
Gazeus Games
Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2017


I will be talking alongside industry experts at Mobile Spree about building a marketing tech stack for ad-monetized games.

All business models in mobile gaming have their own set of challenges and when your games monetize solely through ads, that puts into light obvious issues like having to build for massive user scale. But your business model of choice will always feed into your user acquisition strategy, your portfolio strategy and your business propositions.

Campaign level ROI and LTV might be taken for granted if you’re in e-commerce, but not having access to real-time revenue you see yourself having to wait for tomorrow to know today’s ecpms and having to build a structure to store today’s data. You might realise you don’t have as many UA tools and post-install events to work with and have to find creative solutions to build scalable and lucrative UA campaigns.

So during my keynote at Mobile Spree I will show atendees a bit more about how we built our stack, why we built it and what sort of results we get from it. If you’re in town, try to make it to Mobile Spree!

